Sunday, January 27, 2019

Who is the strongest superhero in Avengers?

Who is the strongest superhero in Avengers?
Avengers is a blockbuster movie which is equally favourite to peoples around all over the world. Some people like Captain America and some people like Iron Man, Same goes for everybody else like Thor , Hulk , Hawkeye , Black widow.
Everyone has different abilities. Captain America and Iron Man  are the most popular among them,
Abilities check::
Iron Man: A billionaire scientist who designed weapons for military at first. But after sometime he high tech designed a armor for him to help people.

Captain America : He was part of a experiment is which his was changed to muscular and very strong, And he was in a deep sleep for 70 years in ice.

Thor::  He is from Esgard, A planet where technology and magic work parallely. He have some power like god, He is also  known as "God Of Thunder".

Hulk : He is a genius scientist himself. He was also a part of experiment of his & his fathers. When he get angry than he get bigger and stronger and almost invincible.

Everyone have their own choice and definition of stronger.
But in my opinion Iron Man is the strongest superhero. Because he doesn't have any god like power or he is not developed by science experiment . He is a normal human being like the population. His power is science, What ever he can do is with help of science.  Most importantly it is possible in real life. This is the reason of my choice.

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